International Beauty Education Center offers:
- Open enrollment
- Enrollment takes place during school business hours or special arrangement
- All courses are ongoing at International Beauty Education Center
- Student may start on any Monday, Wednesday or Friday weekly (if seat is available) or special arrangement.

For Esthetics, Manicuring, Barber, Hair Design, Cosmetology, Esthetics (PO), Manicuring (PO), Hair Design (PO), Barber (PO) and Master Esthetics (PO) program, International Beauty Education Center admits as students, persons having:
- Pass Entrance Interview.
- Must be a minimum of 18 years of age
- Proof of Government-Issued Identification
- Proof of social security number or Alien Registration Card or legal residence
- Proof of High school diploma or equivalent or a transcript showing high school completion, or if home schooled, have a state-issued credential for secondary school completion.
For Instructor program, International Beauty Education Center admits as students, persons having:
- Pass Entrance Interview.
- Must be a minimum of 18 years of age
- Proof of Government-Issued Identification
- Proof of social security number or Alien Registration Card or legal residence
- Proof of High school diploma or equivalent or a transcript showing high school completion, or if home schooled, have a state-issued credential for secondary school completion.
- Proof of current and valid Washington State Cosmetology, Manicuring, or Esthetics license depending upon the course of study in which the student is enrolled.